Monday, September 18, 2006



On Wednesday, August 23, 2006, sometime between 8:00am - 8:30am, the ScregMan went thru his first rectal...

Anti-climatic, isn't it? No build-up, no foreplay, no beating around the bush, no dancing around the fire. Let's just cut right to the chase. But I look at this way. If you women out there can go through various examinations of your privates with your legs wide open (brazillian waxes included), then I suppose 10-15 seconds of utter discomfort can be endured by the male, especially when health is involved.

You want details? I really can't describe it. I'm at a loss for words. Needless to say it was an odd and unpleasant sensation. I don't think I was breathing. I think I was trembling slightly. What position was I in? HotFudge thought I'd be lying on my side. I thought I'd be bent over the exam bed, supported by my elbows, with my head up. Not quite. Yes, I was bent over, but I was instructed to put my forehead on the bed and spread my bum with my hands. [I'm sure there are various variations of the rectal examination out there.] How degrading. How humiliating.

Was the doctor man or woman? The doctor was a she. Did that make a difference with the embarrassment factor? Did it make the experience more "bearable"? I really don't know. But if I had to answer, perhaps the answer would be a very, very, very, very reluctant "yyyyyeeeeeeessssss". Looking at the situation from a purely logical standpoint, I'd have to ask: "If I MUST have a rectal, do I want a man's finger up my bum?" The answer is a definite "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" So what's left? A female doctor.

I admitted it was my first rectal. She assured me that it takes only about 10 seconds [10 looooooooooong seconds]. She told me she would use a lubricant. She told me what she would do: check the 'ole prostrate, etc., etc. When it was over, she non-chalantly pointed to some napkins and said: "There're some napkins you can use to clean yourself up with."
I think I was panting ever so slightly. Did I mention I don't remember breathing during the "procedure"? And even though I knew my bowels were clean and empty, I had the slightest urge to take a dump.

It seems that feeling of being "violated" stayed with me for a couple of days before slowly subsiding.

If you're still with me, everything else seems fine except for the cholesterol. I have to give up the chicken skin and pork fat. My choice, right? I can listen to the doctor, or I can look forward to going on some pills when I'm about 50. The doctor also recommended some food workshops I could go to. A few days later, Mulysa explained the situation best to me when she placed both her hands approximately four feet apart on a table, her left hand symbolizing the beginning of my life, her right symbolizing the end of my life. Then she said: "It's all a matter of... Do you want your health to start declining here (she motioned more or less towards the center) or here (she motioned more towards the right, towards the end of my life)."

Part 2 of my physical was almost one month ago, and I must say I'm an utter failure in terms of my diet. I remember peeling the skin off some chicken during lunch one day and giving the skin to HotFudge. [HotFudge's cholesterol is excellent. Of course I was moaning and groaning and feeling a sense of loss.] But, I'm already back to my old ways. Will I give up chicken skin? Probably not. Pork fat. Maybe. I fall back on the old argument of: There are people starving out there... how dare I throw away some perfectly good chicken skin. Perhaps it's just going to be a really slow process for me. I am willing to give up french fries. Twice I've been to McDonald's, and only ordered a burger, no fries. Haven't had fried chicken in awhile either. I still can't stand the chicken breast. But I have been eating more oatmeal and more cholesterol reducing cereal.

Oh yeah, the doctor expected my lung capacity to be better than the tests showed since I'm into martial arts. Hmmmmmmmm... I wonder if the fact that I had almost no physical activity during 2005 makes a difference...

HotFudge had been on my ass for the longest time for me to get a physical, and I finally did it. I'm glad I'm in fairly decent shape, given that my life is approximately half over. It's kind of morbid to think in those terms, but it is true.

And so dear reader, whether you're into bacon or biking, chicken breasts or chips, processed or organic, I'd say getting a physical is a good thing. Find out where you stand. Funny thing, though. I kind of already knew what would be "wrong" with me. Perhaps all of us already kind of know what we need to work on. As Mulysa pointed out to me: "Do you want to spend the last 5 years of your life in bed, or the last 1-2?

Personally, I'm gunning for zero...


  • At 7:56 PM, September 18, 2006, Blogger caninecologne said…

    i remember asking bert the other day, who would you rather have give you a rectal exam? a hot female doctor or a fat old male doctor? he said the only important thing was that his/her fingers were skinny. he didn't care about how they looked. just that he would not prefer fat sausage fingers stretching out his arse hole. i guess if you think about it, you probably wouldn't want someone with knobby knuckles either.

    you are a brave man ronin to do this for health's sake.

  • At 8:10 PM, September 18, 2006, Blogger ScregMan said…

    Hrrrmmmm... Interesting point. The "circumference" of the fingers didn't occur to me.

    I am reminded of a Seinfeld episode where a lady-friend of Seinfeld's had "man-hands".


  • At 8:38 PM, September 18, 2006, Blogger caninecologne said…

    well, like i said in another post of yours, as long as the doctor's hands are down there doing it's business and not both of them on your shoulders !

  • At 10:18 PM, September 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ahh Ronin, I was going to tell you that having a woman is better because of finger width. We women also have the same exam, with probably less interior finagling.

    My first gynecologist was an old man. An old man with thick fingers. He was my mom's gynecologist. I remembered wondering if he had his finger up my mom's ass too. Then I wondered, why on earth would she let a man stick his finger up her ass. I vowed that very day that if I had to ever had to have that done again, it would a by a delicate women with slim, dainty fingers.

    Another consideration, she must have short fingernails; wouldn't want any accidental puncturing...

  • At 10:31 PM, September 18, 2006, Blogger caninecologne said…

    "interior finagling"

    i love your way with words lotus

    it gets me through the day

  • At 1:35 PM, September 19, 2006, Blogger Mulysa said…

    well, since you're gunning for zero, i'll gladly "put you down" the moment you are bedridden...

    sure thing, you're welcome. it's the least i could do for a friend!

  • At 2:59 PM, September 19, 2006, Blogger bert wolfe said…

    Hey, aren't you 3 years from "probing"? 40 is what I usually hear. My brother (who's 7 years older than me) and I coincidentally had this conversation over the weekend.

    Were you offered a choice whether or not to have it done as part of your physical? If you did have the choice, and you accepted the exam, may I ask why?

    Like Canine said, if it was a HOT chick doctor, I can understand. Although "knobby knuckles" may be interesting...

    Makes me want to schedule a physical. YEAH!!!

  • At 5:47 PM, September 19, 2006, Blogger ScregMan said…

    Actually, I wasn't given a choice. She spoke to me like it was all part of the physical. Regardless, I also wanted to be thorough. The fact that I didn't know that 40 is the age to start doing rectals shows how uninformed I am about the whole "regular physical and check-up" issue.

    But, at least (for now) I know I'm okay down there...

    And I say this with absolute 100% certainty... [as if I had any doubts before]


  • At 9:01 PM, September 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    btw, just "the slightest urge to take a dump"? That's absolutely the most natural feeling for your body to have. Hmm, there's a something in my anal tunnel, perhaps I should fully expel it, it must have gotten stuck.

    I'll never be able to look at you again without picturing you bent over, forehead on table, spreading yourself, ever so hesitantly...

  • At 6:26 PM, September 22, 2006, Blogger Mulysa said…

    haha! you should've "pinched" her finger(s??) during her exam. and giggled while you were doing it.

    that would've been funny...

  • At 10:08 PM, September 22, 2006, Blogger caninecologne said…

    be like the gay mr. t in the eddie murphy "comedian"

    "uhhhh----slow down boy...i'm-a crunch up mah butt cheeks and rip your d--k off"

  • At 9:32 PM, September 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Ronin, how about another post? I'm staring to feel a little creepy reading "Ronin's Rectal" every day. Just saying...

  • At 3:12 PM, September 29, 2006, Blogger bert wolfe said…

    Lotus, you should talk. You had that nasty clam picture up in your blog for a while.

  • At 6:18 PM, September 29, 2006, Blogger caninecologne said…

    better yet, a picture of your "rack".


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