Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Welcome back my friends
To the show that never ends
We're so glad you could attend
Come inside, come inside...

-from the song: Karn Evil 9 First Impression Part 2 by Emerson Lake and Palmer (ELP)


Well, dear readers, it has been awhile. Over one month, as a matter of fact. The ScregMan has been preoccupied (and is still preoccupied) with creating a massive backup of his entire audio (music and audio books) collection in the mp3 format. More on that later...

But for now, let's get back to Italy 2006...


Well... the answer is D.

Ronin kind of ran ahead, but kept looking back at HotFudge's progress. [In fact, a lady in high heel boots passed Ronin along the way...] Ronin reached the lead car, and all the doors were closed. Meanwhile, not too far behind, HotFudge was cursing up a storm. We stood outside the train just staring at the doors. It wasn't just HotFudge and me. There were a few others staring with puppy-dog eyes at the dark windows of the train. About 15 seconds later, the doors hissed open, and we happily climbed on board.

This was supposed to be a 40 minute trip. The pressure on Ronin's bladder was an annoyance, but not yet unbearable.

HotFudge sat down while I remained standing. The car was filled with what looked like middle/high school students. After about 10 minutes of riding through a graffiti filled countryside, we came to a stop. I couldn't see any signs, so I asked one of the passengers... [Now here's a prime example of (mis)communication. Although Ronin had listened to several Italian CDs before the trip, he was not feeling that confident.] I stopped one of the teens and pointed down and asked "Frascati?" The boy nodded and then bounded off the train. I motioned to HotFudge that it was time to get off. Her response: "That wasn't 40 minutes..."

HMMMMMMMMMM.... Ronin also realized that 40 minutes had not elapsed. This was not logical. His response: "I know, but that kid said this was Frascati."

We disembarked and found ourselves in a graffiti covered stop. There were some teens adding to the graffiti near the stairs. It was a depressing, dreary, and destitute scene, lacking any kind of life. You can't judge a book by its cover, but the tiny train stop, with all the graffiti and flies and lack of noise and activity seemed like the perfect place for a rape, murder, mugging, etc.

Imagine our surprise and dismay and anger when we saw the name of the stop. The sign said: Ciampino. WTF?!! We'd gotten off at the wrong stop!!!

Now, retrospect is a wonderful thing. When Ronin and HotFudge realized they were in the wrong place, they were both ready to kick the crap out of anybody who might cross them. Perhaps the little shits who were defacing the train stop in broad daylight. And all the graffiti only added to Ronin's already tense mental state. Being "lost" in a foreign country did not sit well with Ronin. Did that teenager want to mess with the tourists by giving wrong info? Were he and his friends laughing at us? Were they just out of sight rolling on the ground? As Ronin cooled down, he realized that that was a possibility. But on the other hand, Ronin didn't specifically ask: "Is this Frascati?" All Ronin did was point at the floor of the train and say "Frascati?". For all Ronin knew, the boy could've interpreted the gesture as: "Is this the right train for Frascati?" or "Am I headed in the direction of Frascati?" or something similar...

Or maybe the kid really did want to f**k with us...

By this time, Ronin's bladder was becoming more than just an annoyance...

Would HotFudge and Ronin ever get to Frascati?


  • At 8:03 PM, May 30, 2006, Blogger caninecologne said…

    i liked your ELP intro. This is the song that most ig'nants call "Welcome to the Show"...(a staple at most Laser Light shows back in the 70's) D'uh! It's Karn Evil 9! You even put the WHOLE first title (which even I didn't know! Bravo! Enjoyed that reference I did. You are on your way to becoming a rock snob...

    May I surmise that you and HotFudge ended up at a different town and never got to Frascati? Please dont' make us wait one more month for the answer.

  • At 9:05 PM, May 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You guys better damned well have gotten to Frascati. I don't enjoy having my leg peed on while telling me that it's raining!

    Oh yeah, pictures!!!!

  • At 10:29 PM, May 30, 2006, Blogger mikshir said…

    Ah... getting off at the wrong stop. Everyone should get off at the wrong stop at some time in their lives. As the song goes... "just once or twice, is good for your soul".

  • At 10:34 PM, May 30, 2006, Blogger mikshir said…

    Oh speaking of miscommunication... I'm tempted to give the benefit of the doubt. I can imagine, if pointing to the floor of the train, that the boy interpreted that as meaning "does this train go to Frascati?" I've asked a similar question using pretty much the same gesture, though pointing from outside the train, in a couple foreign places.

    Or put it another way... what would you have done differently if your question really was "does this train go to Frascati?" instead of "is this stop Frascati?"


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