This past Saturday night, I spied:
- an adorable dementor
- (a bloody) Scream
- Darth Vader (without his helmet)
- Cinderella
- an angel
- Snow White
- a knight
- 2 ninjas
- Neo
- a judge
- a prison inmate
- Marilyn Monroe
- Gwenevere
- a she-vampyre (without fangs)
- a sailor
- a witch
- a football player
HARDEST DECISION: Do we dress here or over there?
PRECIOUS MOMENT: HotFudge in ninja outfit walking hand-in-hand with mulysa's youngest going to see the wabbits.
ATE: Chips & dip, links, the absolute best french fries I've ever had, chicken tenders in the shape of animals...
WITNESSED: lots of fun and laughter, an offended knight, a pouting Darth Vader, Gwenevere running around Marilyn Monroe in fetal position, enhanced cleavage...
OVERHEARD: [RE: The removal of bras.] "At the end of the day, it's like....." (a long sigh of utter relief [or ecstacy?] followed)
INTRIGUING: that 3 women of varying shapes and sizes were able to interchange their costumes.
A NEW WRINKLE: In certain cultures, you're not suppose to show the bottom of your shoe(s) to others. It's considered an insult.
DIDN'T KNOW: That Darth Vader could stick-fight... Such determination. Such power. Such grace. Such poise. He will be a great warrior someday... Let me complete his training, and we will rule the galaxy together as RONIN and DARTH VADER (The Gentle Giant)...
WAS ATTACKED BY: Gwenevere, Darth Vader, and Scream...
ACCUSED: by Gwenevere of stealing/hiding her precious cigarettes...
HI-LITE(S) (I am undecided on which of the following three incidents should be the absolute hi-lite of the evening.):
- the live soft-porn tickling
- linestepper putting her foot on me
- NEO rubbing up on me...
BEST TRICK: Linestepper guiding a camera down her dress.
OVERHEARD TODAY: (Evening instructor to another evening instructor): "Last week, my students asked me if they had to come to class tonight [Halloween night]." DUHHH!!
At 9:49 PM, October 31, 2005,
Anonymous said…
For your hi lites: I vote for Neo dryhumping you. Watch out though, next time it's MY turn.
At 1:18 PM, November 01, 2005,
Mulysa said…
i say one of these days we all attack an unsuspecting linesteppa for a good ole dryhumpin'... or a doggie pile.. : )
At 7:42 AM, November 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
oh sure, drag everyone else in so it doesn't seem so weird that your always humping my leg. also...i know what a dog pile is and i know what doggie style is...a doggie pile...could this possibly be what i think this is? a combination? be still my beating heart...
At 8:48 AM, November 02, 2005,
Mulysa said…
alright... let's get something straight here. it is not weird that i dryhump your leg.. the only reason why i do it is because i need practice for my future job as a stripper, see? and your legs are the closest thing to a pole that i can find.
At 10:41 AM, November 02, 2005,
mikshir said…
hmm... doggie pile. i'm reminded of that scene in "History of the World, Part 1":
"Pawn takes queen"
"Bishop takes queen"
"Knight takes queen"
At 12:51 PM, November 02, 2005,
Mulysa said…
a bunch of perv's, i swear....
i was referring to all of us, snicker.
mmmm....snickers. they don't really satisfy you. i had to eat 3 before i even began to feel satisfied...
At 10:04 PM, November 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
ooh ooh. can i be queen?
At 11:59 PM, June 26, 2006,
Mulysa said…
i decided to go a little back in time with the blogs... this one made my eyes tear, it was so sweet. i thought so even in october.
then again, it might be the smoke drifting into my face...
your precious moment brought back good memories. thank you for taking the time to post them. it's like i got a little piece right out of your moleskine...
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