Friday, December 08, 2006


Lunch should be a pleasurable experience. A time to feed the body, to relax, to reflect, to nap, to get away from the office...

HotFudge and I have a co-worker. I shall call it BB. More than a few months ago (or has it been at least one year? Perhaps HotFudge remembers that fateful day...) BB was eating its lunch. HotFudge was preparing to sit at a separate table when BB waved her over... And that's when it all started...

Eating with BB wasn't bad. We'd chat, laugh, talk smack about other offices around campus, etc. Now, months down the line, it seems we've become BB's lunch partners. Of course, we're not the only ones. Others have also eaten with BB. But it seems we are now "expected" [dare I say "required"] to eat with BB.

I used to look forward to lunch. Now, my gut reaction is to curse when I'm approaching the lounge and I see HotFudge sitting with BB. Mind you, this isn't every single day. There are times when BB isn't there. But whenever BB is there, we end up eating with it. HotFudge and Ronin have grown tired of BB. Tired, I tell you. Without a doubt, lunch has become a dreaded event. BB is not an evil person, but we have grown weary of its company. It loves to talk about all the food it "knows" how to prepare, yet it always buys its lunch. [We always ask ourselves: "If BB's such a great cook, why doesn't it bring its lunch instead of always buying?"] HotFudge and I have been "wowed" by all its stories about how it cussed this person out or that person out. This past week, it told us about all these different medicines and drugs it mixed together in order to battle its cold. BB's in "the know".

Of course, I can eat lunch with HotFudge everyday. I have no problem with that because HotFudge is the one I'm going to grow old with. But the dynamic changes when we join BB. HotFudge and I can't talk about certain things. We feel obligated to keep the conversation going. Lately, I don't have much to say.

HotFudge recently succeeded in a daring break-away by sitting at another table. When BB tried to wave HotFudge over, HotFudge said she was sick and didn't want to spread it. [This isn't a lie. Poor HotFudge has been battling a cold/cough for a few weeks now.] So we had lunch without BB. BB already had two people sitting with it. But it still said from across the room: "I want you (HotFudge and Ronin) to know that we feel alienated over here." BB felt alienated even though it already had two people sitting with it? OH, PUH-LEEEEEEEEEZ...

Ronin's office phone rang. The little screen on the phone said: "FACULTY DINING RM". Ronin picked up the phone. HotFudge's voice: "I'm in the student section".

So Ronin heated up his food and headed for the lounge. When he got there, what did he see? HotFudge sitting with BB.

"CON SARNIT!!!" Ronin thought. She (HotFudge) said she was in the student section. So how the hell did she end up with BB?

This is how: HotFudge couldn't find her cel phone to call me, so she went to the faculty section to use the phone. BB was already there and asked if we were going to be anti-social (again). The faculty area was prepped for some kind of event so HotFudge's response was: "I wasn't sure if we could sit in here." Being the good natured person that she is, though, HotFudge went back to the student area, gathered her things, and joined BB.


What is it with people who can't do things by themselves? I know people who can't go shopping alone, who can't go to the doctor or dentist alone. Besides BB, I know of others who can't eat alone. Perhaps these people can't shit alone either. I understand that no man (or woman) is an island, but come on.

And now HotFudge and Ronin seem bound to be BB's lunch partners... forever...? If we start sitting away from BB, we run the risk of "offending" it, of being labelled "anti-social", perhaps even "stuck-up". "We're too good to eat with BB..."

This is utter bull. And using a term like "anti-social" to guilt us into joining BB is rude, childish, selfish, and immature, not to mention stupid. [Ronin despises people who use "guilt" tactics.]

And now it feels like the only solution is to completely avoid the lounge area just to avoid BB. How sad is that? Why should HotFudge and I change our eating habits just to avoid this one person. Utterly absurd.

Can't BB understand that, as a couple, we might want to be alone sometimes? Will it die just because it has to eat alone? And even if HotFudge weren't there, Ronin wouldn't want to eat with BB. I'd rather eat my lunch alone and doze for awhile than eat with BB. I'd rather have a root canal than eat with BB. I'd rather have a rectal... hmmmmmmmm...


  • At 1:47 PM, December 11, 2006, Blogger bert wolfe said…

    Love the non-gender "it" you use as a reference to your coworker. I must admit though, I'm a bit surprised that you (of all people) are letting this go on this way. I thought you would have told BB to "get lost" by now.

    Is this the prelude to the more kind and gentle Ronin?

  • At 5:34 AM, December 12, 2006, Blogger Kilatzin said…

    see, the problem is that you're too nice at the beginning. you have to initially set the boundaries early on. be an a-hole constantly and when you're feeling charitable, be friendly and eat with people for a sec. Then immediately go back to being your anti-social self afterwards.

    then your co-workers will understand that you're not really an a-hole, you're a loner and won't take it so hard when you ignore them by putting on your headphones and listnening to your ipod all day.

    that's how i do it! i'm a master!!!1

  • At 10:26 AM, December 12, 2006, Blogger HotFudge said…

    The audacity of BB feeling that it is our obligation to eat with it all the time.

    What irks me most about BB is all the bullshit that it talks. What a great cook it is or how big it’s CD & DVD collection is or that it has the only collection in the world of never before recorded hits by Bob Marley.

    I find it odd that BB complains about how the cafeteria food sucks but always buys it for lunch everyday. BB also brags about what a great cook it is but never brings any home cook meals for lunch.

    I never asked, but BB has promised to bring me: home-made chilli, bar b que ribs, pie and other delicacies and to this day I haven’t seen any.

    BB just isn’t getting it, that as a couple we may want our alone time or might have personal things to discuss or maybe BB does but is just too selfish to care.

  • At 6:52 PM, December 12, 2006, Blogger ScregMan said…

    Tues., Dec 12, 2006


    HotFudge and I ate with BB again. And, again, I cursed under my breath when I walked into the lounge and saw HotFudge sitting with BB. Seems BB ran into HotFudge in the food section and told HotFudge it would meet her at the table. GEEEEEEEEZ...

    BB asked us if we ate yesterday. Yes we did, but later than BB did. BB was done and gone by the time HotFudge and I ate yesterday. Kinda strange. Seems BB ate just a little later than its usual time today. Perhaps so it could eat with us?

    Clark, I think it's too late to do the a-hole thing you suggested. But I'll entertain any other suggestions. What I refuse to do (for now) is alter my eating time and my eating location. HotFudge and I shouldn't have to. If we so choose, we should be allowed to sit at a table by ourselves without being bothered.

    So there it is my friends. How do we get out of this dilemma? How can we break away? BB is not an evil person, but HotFudge and I sure as hell shouldn't be obligated or guilted into eating with it everyday.

    What a damned nightmare. Lunch SHOULDN'T be this stressful.

    Any solutions, Bert?

  • At 7:46 PM, December 12, 2006, Blogger caninecologne said…

    superman, you hit it right on the button. that's how i was when i was student teaching years ago. but i wasn't an a-hole. i was strict and i meant business. no fkn around. but that's a differen't story.

    luckily (or unluckily) i don't have people who clamor for my presence. just a few people i eat lunch with but not on a daily basis. most of the time, i eat in my office so i can get work done while my door is shut. oblivious to the phones ringing (actually, i press my do not disturb button) and the people knocking on my door.

    bert is nicer than me and i'm sure he'll think of a more diplomatic way to tell you how to handle this dilemma with BB.

    as for me, i have no qualms about ignoring people i don't like.

  • At 10:11 AM, December 13, 2006, Blogger HotFudge said…

    It just irks me that some people can't eat alone. For years before I met Screg I ate alone in the staff lounge where we use to work. Another annoyance with BB is that every time Screg introduces me to other people that I haven’t met on campus she always has to intervene and make the comment “And I’m his Wife Too” in addition she always refers to Screg as “Honey” at the lunch table. Who knows, maybe BB is just a lonely old woman that enjoys being in the presence of my husband.

  • At 1:48 PM, December 13, 2006, Blogger ScregMan said…

    Ohhhhhhhhh... Don't even go there...

    Perchance it is HotFudge's attention that BB really and truly craves.

    Or maybe it is even a combination of Ronin AND HotFudge... Like peaches and cream, like nuts on a sundae, like peanut butter and jelly, like yin and yang, like a burger and fries, like a plug to a socket, like a virgin, touched for the very first time...

    Regardless, Ronin wonders if he'll have to endure BB's company again today (CON-SARNIT!!). Just the thought makes me cringe.

    I'll keep you all posted...

  • At 2:31 PM, December 13, 2006, Blogger ScregMan said…

    k-9: That's cool that you have your own office. Sometimes I do eat at my desk to get some extra work done. But you'd be surprised how inconsiderate some people are.

    For example, if you came upon an office with an "OUT TO LUNCH" sign, but you saw some people in the office, would you still attempt to get their attention? An "OUT TO LUNCH" sign doesn't work in my environment unless I've also vacated the office. OR I'd have to shut all the windows (which would be too much of a hassle) so nobody could see in. I guess some people ASS-UME that somebody at lunch won't mind answering a quick question. That's my favorite line: "I just have a really quick question..." Doesn't matter if it's quick or not. You were rude enough to disrupt my lunch...

    But I digress...

    WTF are we gonna do about BB?

  • At 9:26 PM, December 13, 2006, Blogger Thor said…

    That's a tough one Screg. In my job I am very busy (when I am working) and I really don't have the time or patience to deal with people like that. I'm just kinda abrupt with them and don't give them anything to talk to me about.

    Maybe if you and HotFudge bored BB (can we use CC next time) it would go visit others in the cafeteria from time to time.

    But if BB is one who carries conversations on by themselves easily, they may enjoy it, becuase they get to talk even more...

  • At 10:52 PM, December 13, 2006, Blogger caninecologne said…

    not trying to point the finger, but you and hotfudge unfortunately allowed BB or "it" as you refer to her, to monopolize your time.

    i say, claim your own time back and ignore the bitch or at the very least, just laugh her off or play off her comments if she tries to guilt trip you. no one can make you feel that way without your permissio.

    she sounds like she is in desperate need of attention. i'm not a shrink, but it seems like she has major self esteem issues. is a needy old bag who drones on and on about all these great things. talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.

    who cares if she's a lonely old hag. let her bother someone else. claim your time as a couple and get your privacy back.

    i guess without an office with closed walls/doors, it would be hard to have a private lunch in an open cubicle/dilbert type environment. yes, i know that "quick question" line well. i myself don't bother others in an office if they have an 'out to lunch' sign. i figure, it's their private time. why should i barge in on them? unless they invite me in, i'm not going to impose.

    ignore her pleas to eat with her. say you want alone time. say you need to discuss private business. say anything to get the biyotch off your back.

  • At 10:06 AM, December 14, 2006, Blogger HotFudge said…

    "Hi Honey", "Let me move my things to make room for you to eat Honey", "I saved my Chicken Wing for you Honey" "Would you care for this piece of bread Honey", "Stir your food around so that it can get hot Honey."

    Screg, sounds like she prefers your company to me.

    And the nerve of BB yesterday; when I arrived in the Cafeteria staff lounge BB was already there sitting at a table so I went to another table. BB said to me "You don't want to come and sit over here." I told her that I was expecting a colleague to visit (Which was true) and he may have personal things to talk about.

    Argh, can't this woman ever eat alone!

  • At 1:22 PM, December 14, 2006, Blogger ScregMan said…

    [First, at Shogun's request, I shall, from now on, refer to BB as CC.]

    As HotFudge pointed out, we were spared yesterday (Wed. Dec. 13, 2006) because HotFudge was meeting another colleague. [Who knows what would've happened if HotFudge were not meeting someone else?] However, CC still did not eat alone. It was able to coax another co-worker to join it. UNBELIEVABLE...

    I really can't believe this sh*t. All this "stress" being caused by one friggin' person. How sad is that? A can understand a homeless person being under stress. I can understand students being under stress during finals week. I can understand a lawyer being under stress. But this whole lunch ordeal is just bull-shiiiiiiit...

    I concede that this was allowed to go on too long. Like being caught between a rock and a hard-place, I believe anything HotFudge and Ronin do will be deemed as "anti-social". A pity...

    HotFudge and I are going off-campus to a Chinese restaurant for lunch today, ensuring (for the moment) our quality lunch-time together.

    We'll keep you posted...

  • At 6:49 PM, December 14, 2006, Blogger caninecologne said…

    ahh...inter office politics.

    there is friction going on between two colleagues of mine right now. not a lunch thing but something else...aaaagh.

    i agree with hotfudge. sounds like this person has some sort of 'thing' for you...she has no boundaries, no tact, or insist on calling you 'honey' in hotfudge presence? that's some bold shit...also that she's your 'wife'? is she married? how old is this hag? perhaps she has a wierd fantasy life and you're the star of the show. don't mean to scare you.

    the more you stay away from toxic people like her, the happier your 'lunch' time will be. fk whatever she thinks, man.


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