PART THE FIRST: At Least I'm Writing...
Blog and blogging
Where did these words come from? How do new words "officially" enter our lexicon while others fall out of usage? The next time I'm in a bookstore, I must remember to look up "blog" in a dictionary.
Years ago, my first reaction to blogging was: "ICK!! OH, PLEASE... Why would I want to put my thoughts, ideas, daily rantings, dreams, pictures, etc. on the web...?" I thought it was kind of silly. I mean, who would want to read anything that I write? Let alone comment? And what would I say? And why would I want to read about other people's personal sh*t?
That was my line of thinking a few years ago...
Call me a lemming, or a lamb being led to the slaughter, but...
On October 20, 2005, I received a small blurb from Thane of the Universe / Tormented Soul, informing me he'd just started a blog. Apparently, he'd been under pressure for some time from friends who'd been blogging for awhile. After I'd read TofU's blog and browsed some random blogs, I started my own.
WOW...my own writing on the web. My own writing for anyone to run across, read, comment on, etc. Other friends have followed suit, and now, it has become another (new) way of keeping tabs on each other. I like that. I have witnessed a reconnection with friends who are not geographically located nearby. I think it's cool to see everybody's different topics and writing styles, the organization of friends' blogs, how they comment, etc. And our coterie seems to have easily assimilated this phenomenon called blogging. In fact, one blog (which was only one sentence long) started with welcoming comments that turned slightly hostile (in a friendly way, of course) when said blogger failed to post something in a timely manner. Most amusing.
At first, I thought I could write something every day, but it became quite clear (as friends add to their own blogs and comment on others) that just reading and responding and checking for new commentary takes a lot of time. A LOT OF TIME. And I want to take the time to read and comment on others' blogs. But I'm hard pressed for material sometimes. The commentary (sometimes witty, sometimes perverted, sometimes insightful, and always eloquent) of my fellow bloggers may crack me up or give me a new perspective.
Tormented soul pointed out that one of the reasons he'd started one and informed me about his blog was for the writing. I thank him for this. I'd like to write creatively someday, but I have yet to come up with my idea... my concept... my story-line. I don't know if I could come up with something truly original. I think everything's been done. So the challenge becomes the presentation of something in a new way. Take the Harry Potter books. Stories of wizards and witches have been around for centuries. The author has taken an old idea and presented it in a new way.
Ah well... at least I'm writing...
At 11:32 PM, November 08, 2005,
Kilatzin said…
and you keep on writing my friend. only reason i blog is to interact with you guys. don't get to keep touch often, and the distance keeps me from the wednesday night bowling ritual (which i would love to do) but it's nice to have this at least.
thanx to you guys, i got a moleskine, and I'm actually REALLY loving it. it fits into my back pocket and is remarkably easy to use. so for that alone, this blogging crap is worth something.
plus, there's really no other place or context I can actually weave the words 'suck balls' into a random missive.
At 11:44 PM, November 08, 2005,
mikshir said…
a quick answer to your first question: blog is short for "weblog". though, now blog has a slightly new connotation, kind of an online diary, or a list of interesting links, as opposed to what many people did it early on, esp those at academic institutions, which was to put up results or similar. don't know when the first online journaling "service" popped up to host stuff for the mass who did not maintain their own web servers, (i think it was live journal) but, as i think we've discussed before, if you do a wide enough search you'll find the answer.
screg, i'm glad i finally get to read your stuff on a more regular basis. glad i know some things that i know some folk would appreciate. something else you told me, nothing on the internet is trivial, and now you are part of that mass of non-triviality.
At 11:46 PM, November 08, 2005,
Mulysa said…
sigh, screg, when will you get it through your thick head that you always have something original to say? i love to hear your thoughts on any matter, even if they don't make sense to me (ha!), because they are original... they are you. tell us a story, screg? please?
At 9:03 PM, November 09, 2005,
Thor said…
Excellent post sir. Kinda reminds me of Seinfeld, where they say the show is about nothing, but yet there was a lot in your blog.
Pip Pip, Cherrios, keep it up my good man!!
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