Thursday, January 18, 2007


Greetings faithful readers...

The first blog of the New Year, albeit, I don't consider this year really "new" anymore. When does the New Year cease to be the "new" year? After one week? After two? Something to pontificate about later...

I thought about the old year and the new year and how I wanted to do a summary of 2006, etc, etc... BLAH!!!

New Year's resolutions? BLAH!!!

Sooooooo... Instead of looking into the future, let me touch upon all the grandiose plans I had over the holidays.

My vacation was from Dec. 23, 2006 thru Jan 1, 2007. That's 10 days, that's 240 hrs, that's 14,400 minutes. Of course, with any vacation, [even a three day weekend], I find myself making plans to get things done (eg get rid of clothes I'll never wear again, go thru old boxes, in other words, the never ending battle to truly get organized).

HotFudge and I hosted New Year's, so we did accomplish getting our home cleaned up. [Nothing like a gathering to give one's idle body that extra push to get things done.]

But what did I fail at? During Spain 2005 and Italy 2006, HotFudge and I had exchanged contact info with some of the other travellers we'd met during our trips. I'd wanted to e-mail these people... just to give them a quick greeting. This I failed at. How sad is that? This isn't snail mail. This isn't the "old days" where I'd have to handwrite a letter, fold that letter into an envelope, and mail it. This is typing and pressing "send" from the comfort of my own home (or office). My failure is particularly irksome because one of the couples from the Italy trip are seniors. They are wonderful people who really made an impression on HotFudge and me. [Hopefully I will introduce them to you via my blogging about Italy in the near future.] Another person was kind enough to send a DVD of one of our dinners where I was an unwilling participant. I received the DVD months ago, but have yet to send her a "thank-you".


And now January 2007 is ALREADY half over.

The Spring 2007 semester is just around the corner.

November 22, 2006 was my 100th capoeira lesson. I went thru my 122nd lesson as of last night (Wed. Jan. 17, 2007). [I'm such a geek for keeping track...]

I'm still a die-hard minidisc fan, but look forward to watching the progress of flash memory...

I don't think HotFudge or I will ever do dinner theatre again... HORRIBLE... ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE...

I wonder what's worse, the stench of decaying bodies, burning hair, the bowel movement following the consumption of a carne asada burrito AND chili-cheese fries AND rolled tacos AND a pint of Crisco Oil, or limburger cheese...

I really like lycra...

Acai (pronounced "AHH-SIGH-EE") is da bomb. [One day HotFudge was at Trader Joe's looking for some acai. One of the workers told her it's pronounced "AH-KAI". HotFudge chose not to correct her.]

Until next time...

Love, peace, and lumpia grease...


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