Tuesday, January 31, 2006

31 DAYS...

1/12 of 2006 is over...

Getting regular physical activity back into my life. I love Capoeira. It's exactly what I needed. Exactly what I was looking for. 2005 with barely any excerise and no martial arts was killing me. Yet, I know it's so easy to be lazy when it comes to working out. When the end of the work day comes (and I'm feeling especially tired), it's so easy to skip a workout and say: "I'll go next time". Luckily, I haven't fallen into that trap. Sure, there are days when I have to DRAG myself to Capoeira. But once I get there and the blood and endorphens start flowing, I'm in the zone. Even if I'm exhausted from all the spinning kicks and cartwheels, I always feel good after class. I know I'll stick with it for awhile.

Keeping up daily in my Moleskine (more on that later).

My diet is not as good as it could be. I love rice. I NEED my rice. I NEED MY WHITE RICE. Brown rice. UGH!! I love chicken skin and despise the chicken breast. Bacon seems to be creeping back into my life. I pretty much restrict my liquid intake to milk, orange juice, water, vitamin water, and sometimes diet coke/pepsi/7-Up. Must eat more fruit and veggies.

Losing touch with BSG. Shame on Ronin... Missed last week's episode, and the one before, my attention was divided between computer and TV.

So long January 2006. I'm off to Capoeira. It's my game...


  • At 7:33 PM, January 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    But but, brown rice is so tasty. I was planning to post a recipe I use of Alton Brown's (AB, for those who watch regularly), so I will do that quickly.

    Gotta agree with the chicken skin. You gotta try my chicken skin chicharone. Using scissors, cut a bunch of chicken skin up right into a nonstick pot. Cook until crispy, drain and salt. Serve over rice (only sticky rice though, it has to be able to stick to and meld with the rice). YUM!!

    Bacon is also yummy. Pork belly rocks!

    Good job with the capoeira. I'm gonna call you out for a cartwheel contest, though. You can choose another contest through which you can kick my ass. I'd guess you would be pretty good at giving the evil eye, the stink eye, the death gaze. I can picture it...

    Student walks up to counter, asks for financial aid check. Ronin has had tough morning, no coffee to brighten his day, no smokes to smooth out the rough edges, no bacon for breakfast.

    "Dude, like, where's my check?"

    "Here you are." Ronin, sulks back to his desk.

    Student exclaims "Dude, it's like, not enough to cover my beer, cigarettes, pot, and books."

    Ronin: "Sir, I do not mandate the amount you qualify for. Good day."

    Student: "But, dude, this sucks. You suck."

    Ronin: "I said good day sir!"

    Ronin sulks back to his desk. Upper lip beginning to curl skywards. Nostrils flaring slightly. Eyes narrowing. How does this moron manage to wipe his own ass Ronin wonders. He probably doesn't he decides. By this time, Ronin's face is tight with annoyance, blood vessels reddening in his eyes, brows furrowed, disgust blanketing his face. Stink eye.

  • At 11:48 AM, February 01, 2006, Blogger ScregMan said…


    Lotus... Ronin is impressed with your depiction. I would say it's fairly accurate. In fact, you've just inspired another blog (or set of blogs).



    What sequence of words does Ronin say over and over and over when at work?

    "May I help you?" and "Sign and date."


    What I've heard students say upon receiving their Financial Aid Check(s):

    "It's party time!!!"

    "Thank you Lord... Thank you Jesus... God bless you!!!"

    "Why isn't it more? It was suppose to be more!!"

    "Now I can buy some new furniture" [WTF??]

    "Where can I cash this?"


    One time, I did not have a Financial Aid check for a student. His check would not be available until the following week. His response: "But I was going to use that money to take a trip" [WTF?!]



  • At 1:07 PM, February 01, 2006, Blogger mikshir said…

    caopoiera? ok awesome
    rice? sympathies...

    but MISSING BSG???!!?!11!!
    WTF man! exactly what can be more important than that single hour out of the whole of the week? 3 airings... THREE!!! and yet something is more worthy at all three of those times? and what about the vcr that you own and haven't set up? crikey!

    screg... i weep for thee.

  • At 8:57 AM, February 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have to say Ronin, I have new found respect for you that you have things in your life that keep you away from the tv.

    Well, I know that you watch a lot (thanks to netflix), but I admire that you're not chained to a specific show.

    We've also been doing better on not letting the tv stay on so long. I've been trying not to turn it on when I get home or leave it running in the mornings. I tend to run late if I let it stay on.

    I just have to remember to have a real book to read at night so I have something to do other than get sucked into watching tv. Right now I'm reading "Before the Fallout: From Marie Curie to Hiroshima." I'm rusty on my quantum physics and quantum mechanics, so some of it is over my head, but, I just accept what they say witout trying to fully understand it. A great preread to this would be "The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality" by Brian Greene.

    If anyone's interested in either book, let me know.

  • At 7:43 PM, February 07, 2006, Blogger Thor said…

    Hey Scregman

    If you really want to watch the last two BSG's I still have them on my Tivo. I can burn them onto a VHS or you could just wait for the next BSG monthly marathon.

  • At 7:54 AM, February 22, 2006, Blogger Mulysa said…

    there is so much on tv i would love to watch.. always seems like there is something else to do..
    talk on the phone
    play zuma
    clean house
    coffee with friends
    goof off with my kids...

    hmmm... i think that's it... am i missing anything?

    oh yeah...



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