Sunday, January 08, 2006


SNARK SQUARED: Part the First

[This blog was inspired by Lotus's SNARK blog...]

First of all, I don't know what SNARK means. I tried looking it up in the dictionary to see if it was part of the lexicon, but couldn't find it. Anyway...

I wholeheartedly agree with Lotus on this one...

I consider sports commentators to be nothing but feeble-minded wind-bags, capable of stating only the obvious (as if someone watching a football game or a boxing match can't make out what's happening. Isn't it obvious that most sports can be watched just fine without any volume? I make an exception for the radio since it is an auditory medium.)

For those of you who know me, you know I cannot stand sports. These people get paid way too much to play a game. Millions of dollars to play a game... that is absolutely disgusting to me... and some of those players feel that even millions is not enough for their so-called talent. Sure, our educational system is comparable to a Third World's ed system, but let's pump billions of dollars into sports and get rid of the arts while we're at it... But I digress... the topic of where our society's values truly lie is another blog entirely.

Omniscient windbags. Saying nothing of substance or consequence. I never realized how many sportscasters could read minds and tell the future. Do you know how many times I've heard some idiot say: "The quarterback is going to do this" or "He was thinking that... that's why he ran the play the way he did..." Utter nonsense. If these commentators could truly read minds or foretell the future, I'd think they'd be in some other business. Perhaps creating their own religion. My gosh, if they obviously know the outcome of the game... if they know the players so intimately (maybe too intimately)... if they know exactly how a team is going to play, why not put that power to better use, like saving lives around the world, or helping others in need, or creating better laws and public policy? Or are they just bullshitting the viewer?

I'm going to take this a little further... Should the news be exciting? Should it be told like an intense drama? I rarely watch the news, and when I do, there are things about how the news stories are written that annoy the hell out of me. For example, I recall seeing a news story some time ago about a man rescuing another person who was trapped in a burning car. For me, it would have been perfectly fine if that was all that was said. But, the newscaster said things like "...quick thinking..." and "...with only seconds to spare..." I realized that these additional expressions were used to make the story more exciting. Why? Can anyone give me a reason why just being informed about the rescue of a person from a burning car isn't "exciting" or "intense" in and of itself? Why did the writer feel the need to add words such as "quick thinking" and "with only seconds to spare"? Wouldn't it be obvious to whoever's watching?

As a follow-up, I hate when the following question is asked: "What were you thinking when...?" Sure, go ahead and ask the question because, apparently, it seems to be the one question that's on everybody's mind when some intense drama unfolds.

For example:

Question: "What were you thinking as you were running towards the burning car?"

Correct, newsworthy answer: "All I wanted to do was get the man out of the car..."

WELL... DUH!!!

How about an alternative answer, just for the shock value: "I was thinking 'There has got to be a better way to tie my shoelaces so they don't come undone every 5 minutes'"

Question (to a fireman): "What were you thinking when you ran into the burning building?"

Expected newsworthy answer: "Just doing my job... Just had to get in there and get as many people out as I could..."

WELL... DUH!!!

Alternative answer: "I'm tired of this shite... I need a career change. I almost fucking died this last time... Maybe I could work in a bookstore or coffee shop. I'm just tired of this shite..."

Question: "What were you thinking when you realized your son (or daughter) had been kidnapped?"


Expected answer: -No Answer- Grieving parents just sob uncontrollably.

WELL... DUH!!!

Alternative answer: "With big smiles on their faces, the parents, in an upbeat tone, respond in unison "We'll just have another. Kids are a dime a dozen. We're as fertile as rabbits, y'know..."

Newscasters also have the habit of trying to transition smoothly from story to story. Or to try to add their own comment. They really shouldn't because they just end up sounding foolish.

The level of stupidity astounds me...

A Slight Digression...

Lookiloo traffic that delays me getting to my destination annoys me. I wonder who these lookliloos are. If there wasn't some accident to attract lookiloos, wouldn't they be on their way to work, or home, or a coffee shop? In other words, they'd be going about their business. But, oh, look out if there's an accident to ogle at. All of a sudden, that accident becomes important enough to slow down to try and get a good look at.

Another Slight Digression...

Spectators who applaud when someone has been rescued from a burning car or a burning building or a caved-in roof or some other disaster. To me, a burning car or a burning building or a caved-in roof is not a show. It's not a movie where special effects and stunt people were used. It's a horrifying situation, yet spectators feel the need to applaud when a bad situation turns out good in the end. I'm all for the happy ending, but I find the clapping to be highly inappropriate. It's not a show. It's not a play. It's not a movie. Applaud at the end of a show, play, or movie. If I were rescued from a burning building, the LAST thing I want to hear is applause and cheers. In a situation like that, I would not be performing. Don't you get it? I WOULD NOT BE PERFORMING! The happy ending is a good thing, but clapping and cheering at the end is utterly degrading to the situation itself. How dare these spectators turn it into a show. You can clap and cheer when you score 300 in bowling, or when you win that first place trophy, or when you really enjoyed a play or movie... But clapping at the end of something that's not a show or performance? Please... show some respect for the victims... Not everything is a performance. Not everything is entertainment.

AND... What's with some people's curiousity being so strong and morbid that they actually have to stop and watch a building burn? Or a building explode. Or watch paramedics pull out the bloody remains of a car crash victim? Why would anyone want to watch these things?

One Last Digression...

The paparazzi. It's a vicious circle. If there's enough of a demand for something, someone will find a way to fill it. It drives me nuts that there are enough people out there who give a damn about who's fucking who, who's marrying who, who's divorcing who, who's pregnant, who's on drugs, what they wore here and there, where they went over the weekend, etc. I could care less about that kind of stuff. I wonder about people who follow the lives of celebrities so closely. Are their lives so empty? Do they really have nothing better to do than to keep the paparazzi employed?

WHEEEEEW.... Okay, now that I got all that off my chest, I'll just sit quietly (for now). On TV, there's a couple trying to find the perfect home. Right before a commercial break (as if I'm sitting on the edge of my seat), I hear the house hunter ask: "Will they find their perfect home?"

"Dear God", ScregMan asks himself. "Do you think your viewers are that stupid? You know the fucking answer is 'yes'. So why even ask?"


  • At 12:15 AM, January 09, 2006, Blogger Mulysa said…

    How about an alternative answer, just for the shock value: "I was thinking 'There has got to be a better way to tie my shoelaces so they don't come undone every 5 minutes'"

    then the newscaster could teach the rescuer the ian knot...

    for your birthday i'm buying you a pack of ciggarettes, a case of beer, a ten dollar gift card to sratbucks, and a subscription to "people" magazine...

    i giggled like a nut while i read your post.

    i love it when you're on the soapbox.

    we need to get you a gavel!

    you crack me up.

  • At 10:00 AM, January 09, 2006, Blogger mikshir said…

    Turn off that "find the perfect home" show on TV.

    Instead, record the latest primier of BSG that aired Friday and rewatch it a few times. Now after watching that ep, I was on the edge of my seat. With a boner no less.

  • At 11:34 AM, January 09, 2006, Blogger Mulysa said…

    the image you have just left me with totu is making me nauseous...

    maybe i should, "record the latest primier of BSG that aired Friday and rewatch it a few times. Maybe after watching that ep, I will be on the edge of my seat. With a set of hard nipples no less.

  • At 2:09 PM, January 09, 2006, Blogger Kilatzin said…

    Did someone write "hard nipples"?

    Okay, while I appreciate a good Scregie Soapbox more than anyone, I was half expecting this diatribe to center around the flaming "raw vs. rare" controversy. Needless to say, I'm a little disappointed.

    But to add my two cents to Scregie's digressions:

    don't blame the players for getting paid, blame the rubes for shelling out a $100 bucks for a replica jersey with that player's name and his team's insignia. yes, our society's values are out of whack. but i love watching sports. it's good entertainment.

    and these dudes are talented. had this discussion with my neighbors while watching football sometime back why no one really wants to see women playing sports. The simple answer is a woman can't dunk a basketball like a man. A woman can't spike a volleyball like a man. A woman can't catch a football like a man. When you watch women sports, one gets the feeling . . . "hey i can play like that. maybe not as well as these women are, but my play will probably be somewhere in the same ballpark."

    When you watch Kobe drive and dunk like a madman, when you watch the USC wideout catch a ball, while simultaneously getting sandwiched between two cornerbacks AND still have enough wherewithall to bobble into the endzone, while the two corners are lying dazed on the grass . . . well not everyone can do that. That's what the rubes pay money for.
    Mind you this was a couple . . . a man and a woman that agreed with me on this.

    Not to say that the women's game is any less pure. Personally, I would much rather watch women's volleyball than male volleyball. With women's volleyball you actually get volleys that can last for longer than 30 seconds. With male volleyball, it's about spiking the ball down the other team's throat in the SHORTEST time possible. But then again, the rubes pay to see that killer spike.


    Yes, sports announcers can be VERY lame. However, hearing them babble can dramatically heighten the drama of a game . . . even if that's all it is . . . babble. NBC tried in the early 80s to show announcerless games and it BOMBED. People want to here announcers.

    The good ones say "the quarterback is going to do this . . . " and the quarterback ACTUALLY does it. The lame ones say "the quarterback is going to do this" and the opposite happens, leaving the announcer to cover up by saying "He was thinking that . . ."

    There are two reasons why I love celebrity gossip.

    1) when the celebrities are caught in public humiliating scandals, there's no better theatre. sit back and enjoy their humbling fall.

    2) people don't have to think too much when celebrity gossip is concerned. they can pay attention to their driving or cooking without any big mishaps happening. sometimes they're tired. trust me, listening to some of those science audiobooks can really drive one to tears. Sometimes all you need is a Paris Hilton bio to perk you right back up!

  • At 3:22 PM, January 09, 2006, Blogger mikshir said…

    K, There's one sport that I must say should not have a male counterpart because, regardless of how well they are matched, there just seems to be no contest in entertainment power. And that sport is roller derby.
    Mud wrestling applies more but comes in a mere close second.

    The beauty is, noone really pays attention to the announcers for those sports anyways. It's just back ground noise.

  • At 4:12 PM, January 09, 2006, Blogger ScregMan said…

    mik - AAARRRRGH!! I missed it... I forgot all about it... What was I doing this past Friday? Had a crappy day at work. That's what happened... Amazing how one incident (in this case, a confrontation with a student who has no business being in college) can ruin an entire day. Of course, I did nothing wrong during the confrontation, and my supervisor and the Dean backed me up. Regardless, the student asked for my name and my supervisor's name. And so, even though I was in the right and had the full support of two higher-ups, the day was ruined... And so, HotFudge and I went out to a late dinner... and that's why I completely forgot about BSG...

    Oh the shame. How can I call myself a fan when I won't even set up my VCR to record it? TofU has recommended TIVO to me. I saw TIVO in action at Cheers. I have no excuse...

    Ronin hangs his head in shame... But, before he falls to his knees to commit hara-kiri...

    There is hope. I believe it comes on tonight at 11:00PM. I'm there, TofU... Don't write Ronin off just yet. Do you remember what my reaction was the moment the last BSG episode ended? I was sitting on the edge of my seat (nips hard and hard-on galore), Commander Adama had just said "I'm coming for my men" and then the words "To Be Continued" came on... My very first reaction was "DAMMIT!!"

    I'm there tonight!!!

    Kilatzin-I applaud your arguments. It's really all a matter of opinion, just like art. SoapBox ScregMan is just that. Picture him in downtown, just a few blocks from Horton, the odor of unwashed bodies, fast food, urine, sweat, car exhaust, and perfume permeating throughout the air... Any twinkle of sanity in ScregMan's eyes has long since disappeared. Picture him on a street corner giving impassioned pleas to anyone who will listen... Listen to what irks ScregMan about society... The soapbox is good (on occasion) because I think it helps strengthen beliefs and may even change a person's mind... It's all opinion supported by no facts whatsoever. We debated sports years ago and I lost. You said that a certain basketball player going for a dunk was art. What can I say to that except that it's all relative, all opinion. I think actors get paid too much, too, but I still go to movies and rent DVDs. Therefore, SoapBox ScregMan concedes that it's all opinion. Have I changed my mind about sports? No. Did I change anybody's mind? I highly doubt it. But it's good to rant and rave every once in a while.

    MikShir-I remember watching roller derby years ago and I remember being very entertained by it. I wonder if the "magic" would still be there?

    Lastly, the blog/debate of RAW vs RARE...

    It is coming...

  • At 4:52 PM, January 09, 2006, Blogger Mulysa said…

    mud wrestling?! roller derby?!

    shouldn't have male counterparts?!


    i was going to say, "how dare you be such a sexist!"

    but no. i cannot...

    because i'm one too!!

    ooOooh... you should've seen some of the (male)bikers on the strand saturday..

    ok. i have to admit... some of the chicks were pretty hot too. especially the one that was in front of me for a while. she had a grey tank top and could swish her ass like somethin' else...

  • At 6:51 PM, January 09, 2006, Blogger mikshir said…

    reaches for the bottle on his nightstand...

  • At 11:47 PM, January 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's way too late to add comments of substance. It's also waaaaay to late to have to read the word 'boner'. Must drive image from mind before falling asleep.

    Re: women's sports; gotta agree with Superman. Who gives a flying f*#k? It's just not as exciting to watch. It would be like watching a man in Speedos bent forward over a sports coupe. Ick. Doesn't make me wanna buy. I'd rather see the hot chick sporting the slightest wedgie in her bikini botton sayshaying towards the sports coupe. It gives me hope. Maybe if I had that car...maybe I could...get a girl as hot as her.

    Oh yeah, from Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Ed:

    Snarky: crotchety, snappish
    Snark: to annoy (perhaps an alteration of nark: to irritate)

  • At 3:58 AM, January 10, 2006, Blogger Kilatzin said…


    I love your soapbox. I just REALLLY want "raw vs. rare."

    RAW VS. RARE!!!!

    RAW VS. RARE!!!!!

    and mik . . . a hot ass in front of ANYTHING would make me consider buying it. don't know exactly why . . . chances are that ass hasn't been wiped down with some nice baby wipes or has known the special pleasure of a bidet!!!

    Speaking of bidets . . . adam corolla was extolling the virtues of the 'swasher'? Don't know if i got the spelling right . . . tried googling it and really couldn't find anything. apparently it the latest commercial attempt to bring the bidet idea to the states. Corolla LOVED it. especially how comfortably warm the water gets!!!

  • At 7:27 PM, January 12, 2006, Blogger Mulysa said…

    snark!!! it hit me today!
    snark... the fuzzy little guy from "thundercats". he was lionel's sidekick.
    when i was a kid, i used to pretend to be chitara, the hottie girl-cat with the shaft stick thingy...

  • At 10:49 PM, January 12, 2006, Blogger Thor said…

    Soooo I guess you won't be coming to watch the Superbowl at my house???

    I'm going to make BBQ chicken pizza...

    There will be beer and comercials of chicks on the hoods of cars that companies are spending millions and millions of dollars on...

    It's America at it's finest...

    Actually since I have TiVo we may skip through most of the comericals. But if you ever miss a BSG just give me a call. Since I do have the almighty TiVo I usually do still have it recorded for a few days after the original showing.

  • At 2:20 PM, January 13, 2006, Blogger mikshir said…

    muly, it was "snarF" not snark.

  • At 3:46 PM, January 13, 2006, Blogger Mulysa said…

    damn. you're right, totu.

    isn't it depressing when you realize that you are/have lost touch with your favorite childhood things?

    of course this question doesn't apply to clark, who still plays with dolls...


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