Wednesday, March 08, 2006


["... and then they decide to write a check and don't begin to fill out the check until the clerk gives them their total. (Argh! Why do people still write checks?...) - from Lotus' blog titled SAD?]

I thought I'd use the above quote as a springboard for Customer Service Woe #2. I'm really focusing on "...and don't begin to fill out the check until the clerk gives them their total..."

Let's say I'm at the local grocery store and I'm ready to purchase my goods. Back when I used to write checks, I would fill out as much of the check as possible before even getting into line. I would date the check, I would fill out the "Pay to the Order" part, and I would sign it. These days, I'll have my credit card (and club card) in hand. [Yes, Lotus. I, too, want to reap the benefits of my dividend earning credit card.]

Say I'm at the movie box office. I already have my credit card and picture ID in hand.

This is such a simple concept: Have your shit ready BEFORE coming to my window. And not just my window, but for any customer service situation.

PART THE SECOND: Being Prepared
It's so simple. I don't know why so many people have a problem with this.

I like to complete transactions as quickly as possible. If I've got a line of students, of course I want transactions to flow smoothly, quickly, easily and... EFFICIENTLY. What better way to achieve this than to be as prepared as possible before I ask those magic words: "May I help you?"

I'm not saying that if you're the 10th person in line, you should have your stuff out already. But maybe if you're the next person in line or the third person in line, you can get your Student ID out plus any other related papers or documents that may be needed. It'll be more efficient. I think it is so inconsiderate, not only to me, but also to those behind you if you spend 30 seconds to a full minute digging thru your wallet or your purse or your pockets or your shoes or your socks or your ass or your nose looking for your Student ID. [YES. At one point during my career, a student actually pulled his Student ID out of the shoe he was wearing.] In cases like this, I usually start helping the next person in line. But still, just have a little consideration and forethought. It's not that hard. If ScregMan ruled the universe, you'd be marching your sorry monkey ass back to the end of the line for, not only wasting my time, but for also wasting the time of the others behind you. Whether I'm in "customer" mode or "customer service" mode, this lack of consideration annoys me to no end. There is even a sign on my window stating that the Student ID card is required for transactions.

Student ID cards "...are required at all times while on campus, when conducting college business, or upon request of college staff."

The preceding blurb was taken directly from the Spring 2006 class schedule. Gee, if you're a student AND on campus, you should have your Student ID with you. In my opinion, this is not an unreasonable requirement. Is not a driver's license required when you're driving? When I'm driving? Literally all my transactions require the Student ID card. No substitutions. Would you try to substitute your Student ID for your Driver's License if you were pulled over by the highway patrol? I think not. And I highly doubt the officer would be amused. [Truth be told, I think the last time an officer saw my Driver's License was when I was going thru a sobriety check point a few years ago. But I still carry my Driver's License with me. Why? Because I'm suppose to. Because it's required. In fact, more than any officer, it is the cashiers and sales people who see my Driver's License more because of my credit card use.] My point being: even if you go through your entire college career never having to use your Student ID card, it is still required that you carry it with you when on campus. It is not an unreasonable requirement.

Have I turned students away for not having their Student ID card? You bet your ass I have. Even if they've shown me a Driver's License, credit cards, Social Security Card? You bet your ass I have. No substitutions. NO SUBSTITUTIONS!! Even if I already know who you are. The appearance of showing "favoritism" is a thin line. The last thing I need is a student asking me why I'm asking for his/her Student ID, but I didn't ask the student before him/her. For every transaction that requires the Student ID card, I have to be able to say I actually saw the Student ID card. Just covering my ass...

So, dear reader, have some consideration for, not only those in customer service, but for anyone who may be standing behind you. Whether you're standing in line at the grocery store, or at the movie box office, or at my window...

Please have your shit ready.


  • At 8:51 PM, March 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have a feeling that you take some small amount of joy in being able to turn someone down for not having Student ID, regardless of what ever other piece of ID they have. Don'tcha? Come on. Admit it. I see that guilty smile creeping across your face ;)

  • At 11:34 AM, March 09, 2006, Blogger ScregMan said…

    As Ronin turns yet another student away for not having the proper ID, a smile slowly emerges on his face, visions of Seinfeld's Soup Nazi dancing in his warped mind...

  • At 11:18 AM, March 12, 2006, Blogger Thor said…

    I think what you would really like to have is a game show buzzer. A student walks up to the window, you ask the magic question, he/she states her reason for entering your space and then the clock starts ticking.....



    Buzz..... No ID in five seconds, no soup for you. Back of the line.


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