Friday, March 31, 2006

MARCH 2006

At work, as I sit looking at my desk... well... it's not really MY desk. It's the District's. I just utilize it, just like I'm utilizing their computer. It's not MY computer, although I am the primary user. Anyway, leaving is good incentive for really cleaning a desk. For me, I like to have my desk as clean and as caught up as possible before going on vacation.

This month has been one of those high pressure months. Of course, "high-pressure" is relative. I'm damn sure the pressure at my job doesn't compare to say... a corporate lawyer on the side of tobacco. Nevertheless, there was alot more to do in the office this month than usual. The reason being, my supervisor was on vacation from the last part of February to three weeks into March. There are only two of us in the office. Thus, when one is gone for a length of time, the daily work is "doubled" for the one in the office. So, I was just barely keeping my head above the water. But even after she came back this week, I've still been under pressure.

HotFudge and I leave for Italy this Monday. We've both been scrambling to get things caught up at work and at home.

Negative effects of being extra busy at work (and still coughing, DAMMIT!!):

No martial arts. No capoeira. ScregMan is dying without his martial arts. Only went once this entire month...

I am so behind on reading and commenting in the blogging community...

Canine: Again... welcome... and BTW: "Hey... How's it goin?"

Shogun: This trip to Italy will be my camera's christening, baptism, bris milah, jumping-in, trial by fire, etc...

Lotus: Dear God... It's gonna take me days (or dare I say weeks?... months?... years?) to get through all your blogs...

Mulysa: Again... Happy Birthday!!! Ronin looks forward to slicing your smokes with his imaginary sword...

TofU: There's nothing like kicking back in a foreign country, taking in the scenery, writing in a Moleskine, listening to your favorite music via minidisc (okay, okay,... or IPOD).

Clark: Now you can put all your Superman dollies to use on the puppet stage... BTW, have you ever considered purchasing a Superman costume for yourself?

So this is goodbye to March of 2006...

Until next time dear reader...



  • At 7:50 PM, March 31, 2006, Blogger caninecologne said…

    have a great trip to italy ! HotFudge emailed me your list of cities and it's pretty extensive!!! wow!!! i'm so envious! :)

    i too like having a clean desk @ work. i usually do my desk cleaning ritual at the end of june (before graduation) so that it is nice and mess free when i return in august. and again in december before winter break...

  • At 9:12 PM, April 01, 2006, Blogger Kilatzin said…

    have a good trip and all that. i'll be heading off on a mexican riveria cruise next weekend, and wearing a superman costume seems a little too gay for me.

  • At 4:30 AM, April 05, 2006, Blogger Mulysa said…

    snicker... got some news for you...

    remember my friend who was at the hurkey day party last year?

    tonight she told me her hubby's quitting, and she reminded me that if he quits and then she quits...

    i promised you i'd quit..

    i'll give you his number so you can call and harrass him so you can get me to quit smoking..


  • At 4:31 AM, April 05, 2006, Blogger Mulysa said…

    i hate this letter thing! BTW!!!

    sometimes it takes me 2+ tries to get it right!

    here we go again...


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