Saturday, June 24, 2006


Whether it be an overnight trip to L.A., or a 2-3 night trip to Vegas, or a week camping trip in the mountains, or a two week trip to a foreign country, there is some planning to be done, right? Maybe you make a check-list. Maybe you get advice and input from friends. What will the weather be like? Do I bring clothes for every possible situation? Will I be doing laundry?

We were going to have everything packed and ready to go one week before we left for Italy. It sounded like a good idea. We did research, drew up plans, had meetings, faxed, made phone calls, etc...

For Ronin, clothing is fairly easy.

Underwear & undershirts: Count number of days Ronin will be away from home and add 2.

Shoes: Tennis shoes to be worn with sweats. Black shoes to be worn with slacks or dockers.

Socks: Count number of days and bring half white and half dark. Whites for the sweats and tennis shoes; dark for the black shoes and slacks/dockers.

Pants (all black): I think I brought 4 sweat pants, 1 dockers, and 3 slacks.

Shirts: Polo shirts to be worn with dockers or slacks. T-Shirts to be worn with sweats.

Jackets always throw Ronin into a quandary..., especially thick, bulky ones. Ronin hates the idea of carrying around a heavy jacket and realizing he didn't have to bring it. On the Italy trip, he chose not to bring it. He brought 3 (or was it 4?) turtle necks, one sweat shirt (to tie around his waste), and a few black thermal tops... and a black pleather jacket.

Of course: Passport and travel papers, Euros, toiletries, camera, ETC...



Minidisc player and one GB HI-MD containing a compilation of HotFudge's and Ronin's favorite music and 3 minidiscs with Italian lessons. [No audio books. Too hard to listen to. During the Spain trip, Ronin tried to listen to audio books, but it was too easy for him to dose off and then realize later that several chapters had gone by.] Batteries for player [which I almost lost on one of the planes. OOOOHH... Ronin would have been PISSED!!].

Sudoku book

Vitamin supplements

Moleskine and various colored [archival ink] pens... and an extra Moleskine.

Ammodium AD. This stuff is the absolute bomb. Forget the pink stuff... Luckily Ronin wasn't "attacked" during the Italy trip. [But he was attacked twice during the Australia trip. Ammodium AD saved Ronin. SAVED HIM, I TELL YOU!! OH, THE HORROR... THE HORROR... Ronin owes a debt of utter gratitude to the creators of Ammodium AD. AMMODIUM AD... Learn it, Know it, Live it...]


[Of course HotFudge and Ronin were still packing the night before the trip.]

...And as Ronin's parents drove Ronin and HotFudge to the airport early that morning, Ronin realized he'd forgotten three things: (1) sunglasses, (2) a pair of blue-tinted glasses Ronin only wears with a specific blue dress-shirt he had packed, and (3) a time-piece...(his old faithful green pager)...


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

ITALY 2006... A LAZY BLOG...

This blog is in response to Shogun's question about Frascati. Hopefully Shogun hasn't gone upstairs to do his own research (yet)...

I call it a "lazy blog" because I'm just copying from HotFudge's "Frommer's Italy 2005" book...


About 21km (13 miles) from Rome on Via Tuscolana and some 482m (1,281 ft.) above sea level, Frascati is one of the most beautiful hill towns. It's known for the wine to which it lends its name, as well as for its villas, which were restored after the severe destruction caused by World War II bombers.

Although Frascati wine is exported, and served in many of Rome's restaurants and trattorie, tradition holds that it's best near the vineyards from which it came. Romans drive up on Sunday just to drink it.

Stand in the heart of Frascati, at Piazza Marconi, to see the most important of the estates: Villa Aldobrandini, Via Massala. The finishing touches to this 16th-century villa were added by Maderno, who designed the facade of St. Peter's in Rome. You can visit only the gardens, not the interior, but, still, with its grottoes, yew hedges, statuary, and splashing fountains, it's a nice outing.

You might also want to visit the bombed-out Villa Torlonia, adjacent to Piazza Marconi. Its grounds have been converted into a public park whose chief treasure is the Theater of the Fountains, designed by Maderno.

Where to Dine: Cacciani Restaurant ROMAN - Cacciani is the top restaurant in Frascati, where the competition has always been tough. It boasts a terrace commanding a view of the valley, and the kitchen is exposed to the public. To start, we recommend the pasta specialties, such as pasta cacio e pepe (pasta with caciocavallo cheese and black pepper), or the original spaghetti with seafood and lentils. For a main course, the lamb with a sauce of white wine and vinegar is always fine. Of course, there is a large choice of wine.


Sounds great, doesn't it? But, like I said before, we needed a tour guide. In retrospect, I think we also needed more time. To truly explore one of these towns, I'd say you need at least a full day, starting from the morning. If you've got the time, consider spending the night, too. HotFudge and I didn't get to Frascati until (approx) 3:00PM. By the time we got there and I'd taken care of my business (yes, Canine, I really do believe I needed a card to relieve myself at that particular establishment), it seemed like it was time to get back to Rome...

This is the only pic from Frascati. I grew to like these little cars...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


"Lost" is too melodramatic. We weren't "lost". We'd just gotten off at the wrong stop. Ronin knew they'd been on the right train, heading in the right direction. And a kindly, elderly gentleman confirmed this. He just told us to wait for the next train (approx. 45 minutes).

So... first thing's first. Ronin had to empty out his bladder in a smelly, fly infested commode. There was quite a #2 building up in the intestine, too, but he couldn't do it in that bathroom.

We sat down on a bench to wait. Ronin occupied himself with his Moleskine. It was a nice day, but oh so quiet. Perhaps we could've explored the town, but we didn't want to miss the train. When the next train finally did come, Ronin instructed HotFudge (and himself) to look for signs the next time they stopped. They weren't going to make the same mistake again. No worries, though. Turns out the next stop was Frascati. It was also the end of the line; the tracks ended. Of course, the train stop was covered in graffiti.

Now, Ronin has said this before. It's extremely hard to enjoy oneself ANYWHERE when Mother Nature is calling. Ronin's first mission was to buy 2 tickets back to downtown Rome. That went off without a hitch. His second mission was to dump. After some wandering, Ronin entered a restaurant. [Truthfully, Ronin hates going into any establishment just to use the toilet. He's just not comfortable with it. But, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go...] So, with clenched butt cheeks and puppy dog eyes, Ronin asked. To his dismay, the answer was "no". Not a rude "no". More like "I'm sorry, but no". The worker said something in Italian and then showed Ronin a card. Of course, there was the language barrier, but Ronin got the distinct impression that this card was required in order to use the bathroom. It was a "Lavatory Association" card.


And so, Ronin's quest continued... They stopped in another restaurant where they were allowed to use el bano. Wonderful... ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL... Ronin was so greatful that he wanted to eat at the restaurant. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be opening for several more hours. C'est la vie...

Now, HotFudge's tour book did give a pretty good blurb about Frascati. Where to go, what to do, what it was known for, etc. But Ronin & HotFudge were unimpressed. They walked around for a while, browsing thru shops, but there really wasn't anything happening. Perhaps they could've asked for directions to a particular location within the town. Perhaps they could've gotten a map. But the afternoon was slowly turning into later afternoon... and... Oh hell...!!

As anti-climatic as this may sound... There just wasn't shit going on...!!

Perhaps if we'd had a tour guide...

What were we looking for? Perhaps we're just spoiled by the city. Ronin and HotFudge would go stir-crazy if they lived in one of these quiet towns...