Wednesday, April 19, 2006



Excerpt from Moleskine: "I dreamt I killed a man... He was throwing rocks at me, so I got his head on my lap and twisted and twisted and twisted. Don't remember his neck snapping or breaking, but it did just go limp. Like a licorice stick..."


If you ever find yourself in fair Verona, at the statue of Juliet, remember to rub her right breast. Supposedly, this action brings good luck.

According to Rosa, our tour guide, the original concept for Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet did not come from Shakespeare, but from a poem by Luigi Daporto (I have no idea if the spelling of his name is correct. I am assuming, though, that our tour guide knew what she was talking about.)

A subtle difference: Rosa always said Juliet & Romeo, NOT Romeo & Juliet.

Unfortunately, it was not a fair day in Verona when we went. It was a cold and rainy day. HotFudge loves the rain. I have nothing against it, but it's hard to hold an umbrella AND take pictures at the same time. This annoyed Screg to no end as he tried to get a good shot of various people from our tour with their hands on Juliet's right breast. And then the statue was swarmed by a bunch of Japanese tourists. Fondling and carressing the Juliet statue. [BTW: I said Japanese tourists because that's what they were. If they were German, I would've said German... if they were Filipino, I would've said Filipino... etc., etc.]

Rosa gave our group some free time to wander around, so, the first thing HotFudge and I did was to try to find the public bathrooms. We followed Rosa's directions, but were unsuccessful. Nothing's worse than when Mother Nature calls and there's no bathroom in sight. You really can't enjoy anything until her call is answered. At one point, HotFudge and I and another couple poked our heads into a coffee shop and asked if we could use their facilities. This was one of those places where we'd have to buy something in order to use the toilet. Now this is where it gets fuzzy. It would have cost .90 cents to purchase something (like a coffee) and "stand" at the counter. It would've been more expensive if we sat down. I repeat: It would've been more expensive if we sat down. I could be totally wrong, but that's the impression we all got. The couple decided to stay. HotFudge and I took our leave.

I wandered into a bookstore. I was on a quest. HotFudge found me and said she used the bathroom in another restaurant across the way. I completed my purchase and went across. I asked for the bathroom. The waitress pointed it out, but I detected a slight irritation in her face. I guess I can understand. Who wants a whole bunch of tourists coming in to just use the facilities (stanking everything up and/or backing everything up) and not ordering anything? And I wasn't the only one either. There were other tourists from a different group standing in line waiting to use the toilet. [A lot of the local tour guides referred to the restroom as the "smiling-room" because you don't go in smiling, but you come out smiling.]

So, after I left the "smiling-room" (and yes, I was smiling... I couldn't help it... It's all about that incredible feeling of relief...), HotFudge and I made our way back to the statue to see if we could get some decent pictures. We did, and spent the rest of our time (about half an hour) looking at souvenirs in the rain. Of course, there were tons of stuff related to the Romeo & Juliet theme...

And, with damp feet and damp sweats, we made our way back to the tour bus for the long drive to Florence...


  • At 9:35 PM, April 19, 2006, Blogger caninecologne said…

    i must say i do enjoy reading your travel blog...since we did not travel anywhere, i must live vicariously through you...

    so did you cop a feel of juliet's right tittie too?

    it's hard to enjoy yourself when nature calls. remember when we were in NYC in '98? I was so sick that whole trip and I wanted to find a bathroom badly while we were on our way to central park (where we saw the gargantuan RATs). that was sheer torture.

    i'm sure the shopkeepers must use their plungers and lysol spray overtime when tourists use their bathrooms. do all bathrooms in europe have bidets? or is that just in the better places (like hotels?)

  • At 11:22 PM, April 19, 2006, Blogger Thor said…

    Yup paying for tables is quite common in Italy. Since most people usually linger at the tables for hours on end sometimes, they often will charge a service fee on top of the food/drink charge (usually a euro or two) or have a separate menu that has higher prices than the bar.

  • At 11:27 PM, April 19, 2006, Blogger Thor said…

    I know what your thinking. Next time I'm going to see if Shogun can hook me up with the waterproof camera for hot fudge to carry/use, so you will be totally prepared for any situation.

  • At 12:17 AM, April 21, 2006, Blogger Mulysa said…


    thursdays are like fridays for me!!

    i want to call you sooo bad, but you might be sleeping...


    thanks for the wake up call this morning, saved the day. i would've slept through the morning.

    damn call letters...

  • At 3:46 PM, April 21, 2006, Blogger ScregMan said…

    No bidets in the public restrooms or restaurants, canine. Just in the hotels we stayed at. But I got the impression that bidets may not be completely universal... not even in hotels. On the day Rosa mentioned the bidet to our group, she assumed none of us had them. Turns out we all did. But she and the tour bus driver, Maximillian, did not have bidets in their rooms. Max was upset about that...

    Hey Shogun... can you hook me up with a waterproof camera for HotFudge to carry/use, so I can be totally prepared for any situation?

    Mulysa, I was up at 3:30am...

  • At 2:01 AM, April 22, 2006, Blogger bert wolfe said…

    Hey, I rub my own breasts for luck every day. Good luck, bad luck, I don't care, it just feels good. Screw the looks I get from my office coworkers.

    Also, I am SO disappointed in you for not trying out the bidet. I can't wait for a chance to use one. Maybe I can rig up my own using a garden hose, some duct tape and paperclips...

    Did you at least get a chance to try out one of those "vomit" rooms while you were there?

  • At 11:41 AM, April 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Do they have vomitoriums in Italy? They strike me as such a refined people. The best thing about vomitoriums, the head high handles for grasping. They think of everything!

    Bert, instead of rubbing your own breasts, try these! I think they're supposed to feel like the real thing! Also, before you McGyver anything, you want to reconsider using paperclips. I would have for a surge in waterpressure to send anything flying. "Daddy, why can't you sit down?"

  • At 11:43 AM, April 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I guess I should spellcheck. I meant that I would "hate" for you to have a water pressure surge.

  • At 6:00 PM, April 24, 2006, Blogger ScregMan said…

    Canine, I wouldn't say I copped a feel... It was more like... cupping and/or supporting Juliet's breast in a very loving manner. (Other tourists were just rubbing the hell out of that breast.) So, in retrospect, I guess I did it wrong. Hopefully, the picture HotFudge snapped will come out.

    Yes Bert, Ronin is still hanging his head in shame over the missed opportunity... and BTW... with regards to breasts... I just don't want mine to start sagging...

    And as much as I would like to try a vomitorium, I just wouldn't want to waste the food and drink...


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