Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I've given some thought on how to approach the sharing of the details of our trip to Italy. We were there for about 12 days, and to give an account in one shot would result in a very, very, very, very long blog. At the same time, however, I do not want to give a traditional day-by-day account of our activities.

[In answer to the question: "How was your trip?"... Of course we had a great time. Of course we didn't want to come back. Of course the architecture and ruins we saw were incredible... But there's so much more to share. Did everything go smoothly? No. Did we meet a lot of people? Yes.]

Therefore, I've decided to dole out our activities and experiences in smaller, non-linear "vignettes", which will include insights, prequels, epilogues, a cast of characters, dialogue, pictures, etc...

[Truthfully, I do not believe this series of blogs will really fit the definition of vignette,... I just like the way vignette sounds.]

That being said...



[It is not my intention to re-ignite or rekindle the debate that ensued several months ago over this instrument. However, I thought it would be a good stepping stone into our tour.]

Oh, you'd like to know if I did it, wouldn't you? Wouldn't YOU? I'm in another country and nobody would know. What happens in Italy stays in Italy, right? And after giving TofU so much support, after applauding his arguments, after ribbing him to no end...

I am ashamed to say that I could not bring myself to try the bidet. Believe me, I struggled with it. I lay awake at nights thinking about missed opportunites. It called to me. Everytime I used the toilet, it called to me... There I was, in another country, in another culture... But I just wasn't open minded enough. [HotFudge wanted no part of it herself.] My chance to experience something new, and I let it go. My sincerest apologies, TofU.

At the beginning of the tour, our tour director, Rosa (our Mother Hen), asked if we knew what a bidet was. Before telling us, she warned us not to put our face in it, or our feet, or our hands, or our food... Turns out, most people already knew what it was for anyway... And then she told us the one thing that took me by surprise. Before, I'd always ASSUMED that you "sit" on a bidet in the same way (and direction) you sit on a toilet. TofU, I must know in what direction you were sitting in, because, according to Rosa, you sit on a bidet FACING the wall. Now, I think I can see this working for a female, but I honestly cannot see how a male could effectively use a bidet while facing the wall. To clean the front, sure. But to clean the arse? To confirm, I asked Mother Hen. She was highly amused. With laughter she said: "Of course you face the wall." I also asked if Europeans think it's disgusting that we do not use bidets. Her response: "No... It's just a different way of doing things..."

Let the tour of Italy begin...


  • At 3:03 AM, April 18, 2006, Blogger Mulysa said…

    omg!! i was just going to post a comment telling you to hurry up and post about your trip!!

    what on earth are you doing up this late?!

    we should go get denny's...

  • At 3:08 AM, April 18, 2006, Blogger Mulysa said…

    hee hee.. i came up with an ingenious invention to accommadate the bidet...

    as i stood over my floor vent warming myself and eating a cheese sandwich with pepsi (ahh, but you've GOT to try this! it rocks!), an idea came to me - having a heater floor vent installed right next to a bidet so people can dry themselves. it would also have settings so that people can adjust the temp, the velocity of the wind blowing their arses dry...

  • At 3:21 PM, April 18, 2006, Blogger mikshir said…

    SCREG! welcome back!

    Ok... this was probably lost in our last marathon blog comment session about such things, but I never had the privelage of using a _separate_ bidet. It was in Istanbul and the water spout was attached to the bowl. So I thankfully did not have to think about which way to face. It makes little sense to me why they make a separate bowl to begin with actually.

    On the other hand, I will admit that I did face the wrong way ONCE in a "traditional" comode in Japan.

  • At 6:06 PM, April 18, 2006, Blogger caninecologne said…

    so would a guy have to squat down with his twigs and berries dangling in order for the water to spray the arse hole? or does a guy have to physically hold his bait and tackle out of the way to get the black hole clean?

    is it a hand held faucet????

    thane! you've done this before! tell us!!!!

  • At 10:02 PM, April 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I never considered which direction to sit before, since I have't had the privledge of a room with a bidet. I guess it makes sense, though, especially for chicks. You don't want to go blasting fecal matter towards the hooha.

    All I wanna know is.. how was the food, what was the best meal you had, the best gelato, did you guys kiss on the Spanish Steps?

  • At 2:41 AM, April 19, 2006, Blogger ScregMan said…

    Never fear, Lotus... All your questions will be answered in due time.

    I will have a blog regarding the food. I'm trying to keep my blogs relatively short. It would be so easy to go off on tangents given the length of our trip.

    Questions raised in one blog will eventually be answered in another... etc., etc.

  • At 11:16 PM, April 19, 2006, Blogger Thor said…

    MMMM Cheese sandwich....


    I'm hungry. Tell me about the food.

    I miss european food

  • At 3:30 AM, April 20, 2006, Blogger ScregMan said…

    Italian food? A blog addressing this topic is coming my friends... it's coming...

    Well, mulysa, as of this posting, the time is 3:27am Thursday morning (April 20, 2006) and I'm wide awake. I'm still not quite adjusted to this time zone, but I'm getting there...

    I like your "heater floor" idea...

    Happiness is warm thighs... Or a warm shirt straight out of the dryer... Definitely warm underwear straight out of the dryer...


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