Friday, December 30, 2005


"525,600 minutes. How do you measure... measure a year?" (from the movie/play RENT, from the song SEASONS OF LOVE)

I have my trusty Moleskines. That's one way I can look back and remember the events that have transpired over the past 365 days...

It was 364 days ago HotFudge and I officially spent our first night in our beautiful new home that Mulysa and another woman with a lot of class were so instrumental in helping us buy. HotFudge and I are eternally greatful.

A new car. I joined the Saturn family this year. I remember calling Eternal Lotus and asking her opinion/advice as HotFudge and I walked the Mile. Shogun had answered the phone and when I asked for Lotus, he said she was eating, but would check if I was worthy enough to speak to her. Turns out I was. [Damn... I was hoping to drive approx 1,000 miles per month, but I'm already at 13,700+ miles.]

A trip to Spain. If it weren't for HotFudge, I probably wouldn't be going anywhere. My Moleskine and minidisc player were very instrumental during the trip.

Researched and then revamped CD filing system. I am quite pleased with my latest attempt at organizing my CDs.

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. It's finally complete...

NetFlix has reshaped and expanded my viewing habits. 400+ DVDs in my queue... Lotus, you're gonna love it.

Finally getting papers in order. Amazing what one runs across when going thru boxes that haven't been opened in years: high school year books, creative writings, pictures, drawings... I look back at things I drew 15-16 years ago and can't believe it was me who drew them. I am saddened at what I've "lost". Ahh... the nostalgia.

Audio books will forever be part of my life... er... um... until my hearing starts to go...

Finally started putting up pictures around the home. EMILF gave me a "9. something" after checking my work with her leveler.

Found a new martial art to help bring physical activity back into my life.

Friends going thru hard times but persevering nonetheless.

Blogging... Reading... Commenting...

HotFudge, the #1 person in my life.


FOR 2006...

Looking forward to life with HotFudge, continued friendships, blogging, debating raw vs rare, friends who are smoke-free as of 12:00AM, Jan 1, 2006. A trip to Italy. Eating more healthy.

Must have a physical (last one was over 10 years ago). It's beginning to dawn on ScregMan that he's not immortal and that his life is about half over...

Will ScregMan finally purchase an Ipod? Will he get his weight under control? Will he make changes to his wardrobe? Will he go back to the "clean-shaven" look?


Until next year, dear reader, this is ScregMan signing off for 2005...


Monday, December 26, 2005


[This blog was inspired by Shogun's blog on exercise...]

Everytime ScregMan squats, his cel phone (which he wears on his belt) pops off. It seems there's this roll of fat on his stomach/waist that bunches up just enough to pop his phone off its clip. And for the really curious, he squats when he's putting his shoes on, when he's turning off (or on) the power strip underneath his desk at work, or when he's picking something up (bend at the knees, not at the waste, unless you want to hurt your back). So it's not like his phone pops off every 5 minutes. Nonetheless, the weight he's gained over the years has slowly crept up and onto him and is really making itself known.

The general concensus among those who've known ScregMan for years seems to be that he was really skinny... And yes, when he looks at pictures of himself from long ago, he was SKINNY. His supervisor used to call him "toothpick". Years ago, ScregMan could really eat. Back then, he could really pack the food away. [Possible topic for another blog: Being a "Rambler". The "traditional" meal for a Rambler after a night of rambling was a Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger, large fries, and large drink from Carl's Jr. -OR- a carne asada burrito, 3-5 rolled tacos, and a large drink from any 24 hr Mexican food place. ScregMan just can't do the Double Western anymore...] BUT... ScregMan was also warned that someday, somehow, somewhere, his metabolism would slow down.

HotFudge says ScregMan looks healthier now that he's gained weight. The ironic thing, though, is he thinks he was actually healthier when he was skinnier. He was more active AND he kind of watched what he ate, even though he ate a lot of it. He remembers his cholesterol being very low years ago. It's probably skyrocketed since then. So, ScregMan "looks" healthier, but in actuality, he's less healthy than before. Does that make any sense?

The weight gain has been only partially good in terms of clothing. Way back, it was extremely hard for ScregMan to shop in the "Men's" section of a department store. Everything was just too big for him, forcing him to shop in the "Boy's" section. [Any pride he may have shown at shopping in the boy's section was just a smoke-screen. He hated it.] Now, he shops in the mens' sections with the other men. [Ooooohhhh... He feels soooooo privileged. He's finally what society would consider, the size of a man.] Over the years, ScregMan watched (not literally) his waist go from a 28 to its current 36.[Also, that's a 36 with some space. He always buys pants with some space for growing.] Mind you, this happened over (hmmmmmmmmmmm) 5-6 years, not overnight. But still, it's a little disheartening. It's such a waste to have to buy new clothes cuz you've outgrown (or are outgrowing) your current wardrobe. And he absolutely hates shopping for clothes. The whole "trying on clothes to see if they fit" makes ScregMan want to scream. HotFudge will attest to this. ScregMan LOATHES shopping for clothes. He gets crabby and cranky and very impatient very easily. And what about a size 15 shirt that's perfect at this store, but just a tad too big at that store, and a tad too small at another? What's that all about? Why aren't the damned sizes truly universal? AAAARRRGGGHHH!!

So, as the old year draws to a close and the new year approaches, ScregMan will make a valiant effort to gain control of his gut. It seems that it's not sit-ups or crunches that'll do it, but aerobics (and healthy eating, of course). He will do sit-ups and crunches, too, but it's really the aerobics he'll concentrate on.

Is it possible to have the traditional "washboard" stomach, but covered by a gut?